On August 24, a group of our members took a tour of Wandering Tree Estates. This is a private estate that opens its gardens to visitors throughout the summer. There is everything from a rose garden, to a Japanese style garden, to a massive train garden. Here are some highlights of the day.

Back row left to right: Sue Swartz, Linda Groble, Eileen Lucietto, Cynthia Wicks-Raben, Kate Burlette. Front row: Peggy Renhardt, Kathy Christie, Patti Loomis, Sue Stocks, Sue Wells, Pat Diehl

Sue Stocks, Sue Wells, Eileen Lucietto and Kathy Christie are checking out the garden in front of the house.

Beautiful colorful garden near the pool

Stunning waterfall in the estate’s Japanese style garden

There were colorful beds every where
A large section of the gardens were devoted to train gardens.
But wait, there’s more. There is a whole building full of train displays!
Here is a close up of Millennium Park
And a circus scene
After our time spent at Wandering Trees we all had lunch. A very enjoyable afternoon!