Since we are not able to visit the gardens of our members, I thought it would be nice to bring their gardens to you. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the tour.
Patti Chipman sent us these pictures to celebrate spring
Here are a few pictures from Eileen Lucietto’s garden
Stroll through the garden of Maureen Ernandez
Enjoy these pictures of Pat and Renee Diehn’s garden.
Kathryn Christie also sent some pictures of her spring garden
Sue Stocks just joined the group. Enjoy
Here are some pictures from Julia Olsta’s garden. The trout lilies are not as impressive as they were a few days ago, but there were hundreds of blooms last weekend. Yesterday the Brunnera started blooming.
Let’s visit the garden of Janice Zastrow
On to Kate Burlette’s garden. Most of them are from her front yard. She said that the strange deep purple flowers are wild Prairie Trillium that grow by her gazebo.
Next are a few pictures from Sue Swartz’s garden.
Sue Wells also sent a few pictures of her spring garden.
A few pictures of Linda and Wally’s garden.
Kathleen Eddy shared a few pictures of her garden