Here are some garden-related links we think you might enjoy.

Cantigny Gardens   This is one of the largest display gardens in the Midwest with more than 160,000 annuals, perennials, ground covers and flowering shrubs and trees.  A majority of the plants seen throughout the gardens are estate-grown inside Cantigny’s renowned greenhouse.

Chicago Botanic Gardens  The Chicago Botanic Garden has 50,000 members—one of the largest memberships of any U.S. botanic garden.  It has 26 spectacular gardens and 4 natural areas on 385 acres.  The Garden is one of only 17 public gardens accredited by the American Association of Museums.

Chicago Wilderness   Chicago Wilderness is a regional alliance leading strategy to preserve, improve, and expand nature and quality of life in parts of Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin, and Michigan.

Garden Clubs of Illinois  The Garden Clubs of Illinois currently has over 7500 members in 166 clubs, an additional 12 affiliate plant societies, arboretums and similar organizations, and 3 Junior Clubs in Illinois.  Founded in 1925, they are a charter member of National Garden Clubs, Inc., an international organization that is the largest volunteer gardening organization in the world.

GardenWeb  On this website you will find the latest discussions or you can easily link to other specific garden and home forums.

HortCorner  This website is full of home gardening and lawn care ideas from the professionals at the University of Illinois Extension.

Morton Arboretum  The mission of The Morton Arboretum is to collect and study trees, shrubs, and other plants from around the world.  The Arboretum maintains living collections on display across naturally beautiful landscapes for people to study and enjoy, and to learn how to grow them in ways that enhance the environment.  The Morton Arboretum was founded in 1922 by Joy Morton (1855-1934).  The inspiration for the Arboretum had its origins in Mr. Morton’s own family tree.  His father, J. Sterling Morton (1832–1902), was the founder of the original Arbor Day.  Over the decades, the Arboretum has continued to evolve, while staying true to the Morton family motto, to “Plant Trees.”

Gardening at Home with Kids  This website was suggested to us by a group of children who are in an after school care program in our area.  These kids, as part of a project, are collecting garden and plant resources.  This site is great, not only for those of you who garden with their kids (or grandkids) but also for anyone who gardens.  The site contains lots of good basic information and I’m sure will come in handy to all.  Thank you kids!  We appreciate you sharing this with us.

Guide to Gardening at Home  This site was also recommended by a student.  Dakota and  her mother found this website while working on a school project and suggested that we might like to add it to our website.  It covers a lot of areas and should be very helpful for others.  Thanks Dakota!