Garden Club Bylaws


Section l.  The name of this club shall be the Tri-Village Garden Club.


Section 1.  The purpose of this club shall be to inspire enthusiasm, create interest, and offer education in home gardening, landscaping, flower arranging, community improvement, and the preservation of the environment.


Section 1.  The membership shall consist of  individuals primarily from, but not limited to, the three villages of Bartlett, Streamwood and Hanover Park, Illinois.  This club welcomes anyone interested in gardening.

Section 2.  DUES. The amount of annual membership dues will be recommended by the Board of Directors, but shall be decided by a majority vote of members in good standing as needed per year.

New members who join the club on or after July 1 and before October 1 pay 50% of annual dues. New members who join on or after October 1 pay 25% of annual dues.

Section 3.  VOTES . Only members that have paid dues and are in good standing are entitled to vote. Each member shall have only one vote.

Section 4.  The membership year begins January l and ends December 31 of each year.


Section 1.   An annual meeting of the members shall be held in November of each year to elect officers.

Prior to the annual meeting, the President will appoint a temporary Chairperson from the membership to form a Nomination Committee.  The Nomination Committee will present a slate of nominees to the membership. Nominations will also be accepted from the floor.

Section 2.    The club will meet on a monthly basis at a regularly scheduled time and place.

Section 3.    A quorum shall consist of members in good standing present at any legally called and convened meeting.  When a vote is called on an issue, the majority vote of those members present is required to pass it.

Section 4.   Board meetings may be called by the President or any two Directors.

A.   Board meetings can be called with at least a one week advance notification, stating the place, day, and  hour of the meeting.  Notification can be made personally, by mail, or by electronic means to each member entitled to vote at such meeting.

B.  A majority of the members of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting of the Board.  A majority vote of those present rules.

Section 5.   From time to time, special trips of interest to the Club may be scheduled.


Section 1.  The Officers of this club shall be a President, one or more Vice-Presidents, Secretary, and Treasurer.

 Section 2.  Officers shall be elected annually by a majority vote of the membership at the regular annual meeting of members.

 Section 3.  A chairperson shall be appointed annually to lead each major event or activity and may form a committee from the membership.  Chairpersons shall be appointed by the president in consultation with the Board.

Section 4.  BOARD. The officers shall constitute the Board, and shall guide the general direction of the club.  Chairpersons and other committee members may be invited to attend Board Meetings when the Board deems that their input is required.

The Board shall determine which events or activities require a Chairperson.

The President in consultation with the Board of Directors may elect or appoint such additional officers as is deemed necessary.  No person shall hold more than one office in the Club.

Section 5.  VACANCIES. A vacancy for any office or chair may be filled by the Board for the unexpired term at any meeting of the Board of the Directors.


Section 1  PRESIDENT. The President shall assume leadership of the club by generally supervising and controlling all of the business and affairs of the Club.  The President shall prepare an agenda for and preside at all meetings of the members and of  the Board of Directors. The President will recommend necessary chairpersons, outline their duties, and recommend candidates for these positions with the approval of the Board. The President will appoint a member of the Club to serve as Chairperson of the Nominating Committee for the next year’s election of officers.

Section 2  SECRETARY. The Secretary shall keep minutes of each meeting, keep attendance, email copies of the minutes to all members including the monthly treasurer’s report, and have charge of correspondence relating to club activities as requested by the President.

Section 3  TREASURER. The Treasure shall handle all monies belonging to the club and shall deposit funds in the name of the club in such bank as the Board may designate. The Treasurer shall present a written financial statement of current funds at each regular meeting.

 Section 4.  VICE-PRESIDENTS. The first Vice-President shall provide either a speaker or garden-related activity for each regular meeting and may recommend special trips of interest to the Club.

The first Vice-President shall preside over the regular meeting in the absence of the President. He/She may appoint a committee to research and recommend the monthly program. Other vice presidents will carry out duties as assigned by the President.

 Section 5.  CHAIRPERSONS. The duties of each Chairperson will be outlined by the President and Board.

 Section 6.  NOMINATION COMMITTEE.  A temporary committee of no fewer than three members in good standing will meet to present a slate of candidates at the November meeting.  The President will appoint a Chair who will in turn appoint up to four additional members in good standing.


Section 1.  These by-laws may be amended at any regular meeting of the Club by a two-thirds vote of those active members present, providing a notice has been sent in writing to the members at least 10 days prior to the meeting.